16: Gametape - Safety Deposit Box

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Welcome to another Gametape episode, where we review our most recent improv show by observing and outlining the details of our craft - just like the world’s best athletes review their gametape. Why? Because we’re not good enough yet, and if we can get better, we can finally get the approval from our parents that we’ve been craving since we were born. 

In this episode, Andrew and Travis chat about surprising yourself, how being slower and weirder can be a lot of fun, and the constant struggle to play slower while dreaming faster. As you’ll hear in the episode, Anatasha was off on some secret mission for MI6. Surprised? Yeah, we didn’t know she was British either. 

If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts/Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and the reviews really help us move up the charts so that we can expand this improv community even more. Aaaand we LOVE reviews. Nothing like sitting down in your PJ’s with a glass of cold milk and a piping hot plate of fresh reviews. 

We've also got a limited time offer, we're looking for sponsors, and right now, you can sponsor an episode for as little as $5. What? That's crazy?! Get in on that!

You can find Stormchaser on Instagram @stormchaserimprov or on our website at stormchaserimprov.com.


17: Artist’s Brain - Brendan Jennings - Improviser, Actor, Writer


15: Stormchaserology - Shred the Gnar by Travis Lincoln Cox