35: Stormchaserology - “Throwing Daggers” by Travis Cox - Being Deliberate, Trusting, and Vulnerable


Improv assassins unite! Travis has cooked up this bite-sized Stormchaserology episode to cover “throwing daggers.” He talks about how to make your improv more exciting by improvising more deliberately, how to treat you and your partner’s choices as important by trusting that those moves are exactly right, and how to be vulnerable and open yourself up to stabbing and being stabbed! So all you improv assassins better listen up because it’s time to sharpen up your improv!

You can connect with Travis on Twitter @TravLCox and on instagram @travislcox and you can connect with Stormchaser on instagram @stormchaserimprov and our website stormchaserimprov.com.

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36: Artist’s Brain - Alex McKenna - Motion-Capture Acting, Self-Producing Films, Emotional Health


34: Artist’s Brain - Paul Vaillancourt - Mastering Fundamentals, Love of Teaching, Long Live iO West