42: Gametape - “Tofu Chowder” - How the Ups and DownS of Life Affect Performance


We’re back with Gametape - our patented series where we review our recent shows - noting what we’re grateful for, what we could have done differently, and what made us break character and laugh out loud. We’re working to A) get on the same page as an ensemble and B) be more skillful with the wild, untamable beast of an art form we call improv.

In this episode, Anatasha, Travis, and Andrew review our last Shakeytown Shakedown show on October 17th. We talk about the joy of having all three of us together on stage for the first time since before the pandemic, and then we start to spiral and consider if we’re terrible at improv and if everything we’ve been told is a lie. We also talk about how the ups and downs of our personal lives profoundly impact our performance. 

Throughout this Gametape episode you’ll hear brief clips from our live show, but if you want to catch the full show it’s available for free on our YouTube channel @StormchaserImprov 

As always, thanks for listening! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials, we love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults! We’re on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov, and you can subscribe to our YouTube page for full shows and the video version of this podcast! Tell your friends! Tell your family! But for the love of God, don’t tell the CIA! 

PS: All our links including where to buy tickets for our live shows https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov

PSS: If you would like to sponsor our lovely little podcast, and for all other inquiries, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com


43: Artist’s Brain - Shaun Landry - Diversity in Improv, Importance of Community, Opening The Ledge Theatre


41: Artist’s Brain - Niccole Thurman - Saying Yes to Opportunity, Becoming a Writer, Radical Acceptance